Lazy Engineers

Doulos: Training Webinars For Electronic Engineers

Keeping up with new technology trends and learning about new topics is an essential part of any engineer’s life. With new technologies emerging everyday, an engineer’s knowledge can become obsolete really quick. One of my favorite places that offer rich learning materials about different electronic engineering materials is Doulos.

Doulos Courses

Doulos is global provider of electronic engineering courses that cover a wide range of topics.

These are just few of their offered topics, you can find the whole list of topics in details on their website.

Doulos Webinars

In addition to these courses, Doulos provides online training webinars for FREE !!
I have been to few of their webinars and what I like the most is how much these webinars are interactive. In addition to the video presentation, you can participate in a Q&A session where Doulos technical experts answer any question related to the webinar topic.


Here is a list of the upcoming webinars

You can follow the links and register for free for any of the above courses. If these specific topics do not interest you then keep an eye on their webinar calendar for an updated list of upcoming webinars.

Finding a place to get engineering knowledge from experienced field professionals is not an easy task. I am registered to the upcoming Embedded Linux webinar, and I hope to see few of you there. If you have other sources for engineering training materials please do share them.


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