Reimagine Lebanon… Win 10,000 USD

The Lebanese are resilient people, no matter what happens their faith in Lebanon regaining its lost glory would never fade. As Lebanese we all know the truth that “لبنان أحلى بلد بالعالم”. However, the past couple of years did not help our argument to convince others (and ourselves) about the divine beauty of Lebanon. We all know that our country suffers from many problems so let us do something about it, let us Reimagine Lebanon.

Reimagine Lebanon

Reimagine Lebanon

I know I know but what about the 10,000 USD the title promises ?! Don’t worry, this is not your typical Lebanese article where the title is a click-bait and the content has no relevance to it (another problem that needs solving). So let us cut to the chase, CME a Lebanese Software Development company is re-imagining everything and their first step of the way is to, you guessed it, Reimagine Lebanon.

In order to motivate Lebanese talents to focus their efforts into resolving everyday obstacles, CME is offering the winner of the Reimagine Lebanon program 10,000 USD. I don’t think anyone needs inspiration about what kind of problems they can solve, but here are a few:

  • Garbage
  • Corruption
  • Traffic
  • Intellectual Properties (Pirating)
  • Electricity
  • Touristic Knowledge (Gher eno l jabal 7ad el ba7er)
  • Refugees
  • Beggars
  • Buggers ?!

Reimagine Lebanon Entries

So far five entries have been submitted so the chances are still high for scoring the grand prize. So head over to the official website and upload a video about your “Reimagination”, it doesn’t get any easier than this.

Growing disconnection

Lebanese product


Garbage money education


Start Reimagining

This campaign is a small step in the right direction. It might not fix all our problems but I will be extremely happy with even one less problem. It is not what your country can do for you, it is what CME will give you if you do something for your country (I am sure JFK wouldn’t mind my version of the quote). Reimagine Lebanon and see you in a better future, one change at a time.

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Lazy Engineer | Tech Enthusiast | DIYer | Electronic Engineer

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Hisham Daou

Lazy Engineer | Tech Enthusiast | DIYer | Electronic Engineer

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